


🌍 *"Two wrongs don't make a right."*

Meaning: When someone has done something bad to you, trying to get revenge will only make things worse.

🌍 *"A hungry man is an angry man."*

Meaning: A person who does not get what he wants or needs is a frustrated person and will be easily provoked to rage.

🌍 *"Honesty is the best policy."*

Meaning: Don't lie.

🌍 *Don't bark if you can't bite.*

Meaning: Don't complain if you can't enforce your point of view.

🌍 *"No man is an island."*

Meaning: You can't live completely independently. Everyone needs help from other people.

🌍 *"Where there's a will there's a way"*

Meaning: When a person really wants to do something, he will find a way of doing it.

🌍 *"Live and let live."*

Meaning: we should not interfere in other people's business. We should live our own lives and let others live their lives.

🌍 *"Empty vessels make the most noise"*

Meaning: Those people who have a little knowledge usually talk the most and make the greatest fuss.

🌍 *"If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."*

Meaning: Don't trust other people to do important things for you. You have to do things yourself to control the quality of the results.

🌍 *"Two wrongs don't make a right."*

Meaning: When someone has done something bad to you, trying to get revenge will only make things worse.

🌍 *"Barking dogs seldom bite."*

Meaning: Those who make loud threats seldom carry them out.